About VSSQ

Our History

VSSQ began in 1986 as a group called Silver Star Quilting Squares after a quilting enthusiast put an ad in the local paper asking if anyone was interested in quilting. From an initial handful, we have grown to nearly 200 members. In 1999 the name of the group changed to Vernon Silver Star Quilters. Check our Archives Gallery for more.

Our Focus

The Guild's main focus is to promote quilting through literature, workshops, seminars, demonstrations and quilt shows.  We also provide community services by donations of quilts, donations to other charities, and by arranging requested displays.


Vernon Silver Star Quilters meet from September through June on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 9:30 to about 11:00 at Grace Bible Church, 5661 Silver Star Road.  The first meeting of the month is our business meeting, with a break for coffee, goodies and visiting, followed by members' Show and Tell. The second meeting is more informal and is generally a few announcements, coffee and then a trunk show, workshop, or demonstration, followed by Show and Tell.

If you would like to come to any meeting, feel free to join us and mention that you are a Newcomer. Someone will be assigned to you to make you feel welcome and introduce you to some of our Guild activities and benefits. Contact our Newcomer Committee Head.

Guild Attractions

VSSQ offers its members various workshops, guest speakers, teachers, trunk shows, demos and two retreats each year. We have a lending library with a extensive selection of books, patterns, rulers and magazines. There are social days, road trips, pot lucks and a variety of subgroups. (See below.)

Some years ago the Guild instituted a very successful initiative called Newcomers. New members are assigned a Member of Long Standing (MLS'r) who helps the newcomer feel comfortable in our large group and who answers any questions about the functioning of the Guild. The Newcomers group is very active and has several functions throughout the Guild year.

Every third year the full Guild hosts a large quilt show, the most recent of which was held in September of 2022, and we are beginning to prepare for the next one in 2025. In off-show years we hold an annual Autumn Sale of quilts and quilted goods. This year it will be on Saturday, November 2nd, at the Halina Centre, 3310 37th Ave, Vernon. Click here to view or save a poster if you wish to share it on your Facebook page.

In addition to our regular twice-monthly Guild meetings, VSSQ has four Subgroups available to members. They each have a different focus and meet as noted in the descriptions below. While these are not teaching situations, many a problem has been solved with a little friendly advice from within the group. Each Subgroup (except the Community Care Group which the Guild supports) must cover the cost of the workspace rental, so a modest fee is charged for the year beyond the Guild membership.

Community Care

DATE: Periodic open sewing days during the year - check Calendar for dates.

TIME: 9:00am - 3:00pm | CONTACT: Betty Dobson

FOCUS: Guild members are welcome to attend a Care Quilt open sewing day, or pick up pre-made kits at Guild meetings to sew at home. We also welcome quilts made with your own fabric. Minimum size 36” x 36” and maximum 48” x 48”. Cozy is best, so if you can please back them with something soft - we have flannel backings. Quilts can be for either gender or gender neutral. Patterns are available and batting is provided. If you prefer, you can cut fabric, quilt a finished top, or put binding on. There is something for everyone's interest.

Last year, the VSSQ Community Care quilters donated an incredible total of one hundred and sixty-six quilts to various organizations in the Vernon area, including the North Okanagan Youth and Family Services (NOYFS), Aboriginal Services, the Public Health program for single Moms, the Vernon Regional Hospital and other programs as requested. An average of eight quilts per month went to the hospital for premature babies alone. Many, many people are staying warm and comforted thanks to your hard work and commitment. And the quality of the work is impressive to say the least.

Classics Subgroup

DATE: 2nd Monday/month | TIME: 9:00am - 3:00pm | CONTACT: Deborah Brown.
FOCUS: The focus for this group is “traditional style” quilts, although we are very accommodating to all projects!

QuArtz Subgroup

DATE: 2nd Tuesday/month | TIME: 9:00am - 12 noon | CONTACT: Christine Trory or Jeanette Marten.
FOCUS: This group currently is meeting off site - contact either Christine or Jeanette to get information. QuArtz members challenge themselves to try new and different projects. They have even gone on field trips to look for specific shapes in nature on which to base a project. They work with many different techniques using different shapes, a variety of fibers and materials, embellishments, paint, glue - the sky is the limit. Click here to learn more about the group and see some of the innovative work they have done. This group truly is inspirational so if you are looking for a place to let your artistic juices flow, this is for you!

Scrappy Subgroup

DATE: 1st Monday/month (some exceptions) | TIME: 9:00am - 3:00pm | CONTACT: Betty Dobson.
FOCUS: This group meets to pursue the ever elusive task of trying to reduce a stash! This is the largest of our Subgroups and typically has 30 to 40 members attending. So grab your scraps and give it a try.

Talk Around the Block Subgroup

DATE: 4th Monday/month | TIME: 9:00am - 3:00pm | CONTACT: Karen Weighill or Ruth Dixon.
FOCUS: The Stars group has been renamed to ''Talk Around the Block'' to better reflect the purpose of the group. We are looking forward to a new year with quilting friends.

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